Thursday, September 30, 2004



G. Cornelius said...

No because nobody talked about the real issues...Like poverty...Or "All Teachers Left Out"...I mean "No Child Left Behind"...They skimmed a few things but other than that...NOTHING...I'll keep you posted

Casey said...

I didnt get to watch the whole debate because I was at college but when I came in I got to see a bit of it, I would like to see more "issue-throwing" and I would like to see the canidates be able to express themselves to each other. I think it would be easier to understand if they would allow GWB and JK to comment to each other rather then to the "people".. It seems as if this presidental election means so much more than it has in the past? Anyone sence that?

Jazz said...

I know,...Ok, not neccessarily a smack down. I guess I was more concerned with Kerry being 'clear.' There are so many important issues at hand and I really have 'my own' interests that I would like addressed but I think the war is the thing that's on everybody's mind.

Apocalypse said...

I thought it was was worth it for once I heard Bush say..."I know Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11" its funny nobody is talking about that

GC- You wont hear anyone talking about our issues with 2 "Bones Men" from Yale running for office.

Jazz said...

ok mandy,...don't hate on kerry because you are a bush supporting republican.

The Humanity Critic said...

First off, you were right in your first statement, Kerry DID smackdown Bush. People complaining about them not talking about other "issues" is silly, especially since "Iraq" was the topic of the debate. As someone said previously, there are indeed 3 debates, but this one was important for Kerry. Iraq and the War was supposed to be Bush's strengths, and Kerry totally bitchslapped him on it. The next debate is about Domestic issues, Kerry's strengths. Do you really think Bush can debate the unemployment rate, the economy, poverty, "No child left behind"? I don't fucking think so. Kerry, by winning the first debate, capitalized on a grand opportunity and if he wins on Nov 2 that debate will be seen as the turning point. I have rambled long enough, sorry.. P.S Fuck Bush!