Tuesday, May 17, 2005

yuck tv....blah blah blah...yada yada yada

I know it's been a while....but this MORNING thing has been "beating a sistah down." I should actually be in bed now. Blogging is so addictive. You know how you are supposed to work out and feel good about yourself but instead you eat loads of junk, watch tv and fall asleep only to wake up feeling guilty? Well,...that's how I feel when I don't blog often. (I know,....I should workout, right?.....oh well) Okay so,....here's a mindfull.....


Did I tell you I hate Veronica and her boyfriend Rachel? WILL SOMEONE PLEASE TAKE THEM DOWN?! I am so sick of people PUNKING OUT!!!!!! Why do they even invite boney ass people to even play in these games? JUST ONCE....I would like them to REALLY pair up equals on EACH team. ONCE!!! Why did Julie go with the team? The BAD ASS team cheated, why does it matter anymore who's doing what? THEY ALL MAKE ME SICK!! and Why is Landon such a DOOF? just asking.....I see why Mary loves Dave so much. He's the only one with COMMON SENSE. Lord, they work my nerve.

On to BRITNEY.......
This bitch really makes me sick. Did you see ANY of her special on UPN? She is so obnoxiously arrogant. She's an egomaniac. Didn't know for sure but her little show definitely confirmed that BRITNEY IS REALLY A DUMB ASS. I turned the channel....IMMEDIATELY!


I fell asleep before GIRLFRIENDS aired and I heard it was GOOD!!! Someone please fill me in.

JOSH tagged me.....So NOW I have to do a top 10 list of the things I love....

10. My New Job (Since it's work....it had to be 10)
09. My Car
04.Seeing my BIG head sis and THE NEICE (why did I have to sing that Ray Charles i before e, except after c song to type that? I'm such a sped)
02.blowing an endless supply of mulah on whatever I WANT!
01. Uumm.......SEX (ps. there are rules that apply.....size DOES matter)

Okay, ya got me and I shall tag.....Mary, G and THE DIVAS (Diva, Wise Diva, FUNK DEEVA and Diva in the Scrubs) *****licking my tongue @ u***** UR IT!

MMMKay......so what else is there? Well, I love being the boss at my new job. A couple of people have advised me to toughen up. They say I'm too nice. I guess I should get in touch with my inner BITCH! I used to be so self centered and self absorbed. Hmm.....I wonder what happened to that girl? I thought I didn't care STILL. I thought I could still be the BITCH I love so much. What's happening to me? Why oh why are they calling me......NICE!!!!???? EEEWWWW!!! I HAVE COOTIES NOW!!!! I wanna throw up.....NICE?


ANYWAY....The morning show with Jazz is starting to warm up. Today, I had like 6 lattes. I WAS HYPE!!!! (guess that's why I am still awake) I am such a crackhead.

Did anyone see ANTM? I couldn't believe they sent Brittney home. ....and what was up with the dude with the hard on during the shoot? PERVERT!

Anyway,...I'm gonna get to your blogs this week.....I PROMISE!!!! (pinky)



Sid said...

LOL @ your 6 lattes!

Glad to hear the new job is working out!

And yeah, it's unfortunate, but nice is a dirty word out in the real world, cuz b*tches think they can just roll all over you. B*tches!

ManNMotion said...

Whoa, I haven't come by here in a few months. Look at all that's happened!

Dayrell said...

NICE! You serious! Shoot, then can you be MY boss? LOL.

muffins gone WILD! said...

6 lattes? you sound like me. thanks for the inferno update even though all you said was how much you hate veronica and rachel. lol i expect a more detailed post next week hun!

Diva said...

Jazz you are a NUT! LOL I'm glad you posted cuz I was fiendin'!!! Did I spell that right? Fiendin' or feindin'or...shit whatever, you know what I mean. :-D
I am still so very happy for you and your new gig. Okay so I'm tagged to do the list...cool, I'm on it. Funkeedva will be in ATL on Sunday...I'll be there in July!!!! Yea! Can't wait girl. I'll holla and let you know what's the deal-e-o. Kisses!

Casey said...

You gotta work on the late night-early morning combination.. But, I know it is a habit to break.

oh yeah.. you don't need to change.. I like ya just the way you are..

Bullet Proof Diva said...

Oh, no you di'ent! You betta be glaad I got diva love for you, or else i would be cyber thumpin you for taggin me! LOL

I am soo happy to see you posting! Keep up the good work in the new gig!..I think sometimes you can find the perfect balance of bitchy and benevolence, just don't start crackin skulls ...unless they have it coming!

G. Cornelius said...

I gotcha...I'll keep you posted

Mary said...

Can I make it 10 things I don't love? Because I haven't been in a lovable mood lately. Hmmm.

The Inferno is boring as hell, same ol same ol. Dan said on his blog that none of the usual suspects will be on the new one. We'll see 'bout that!

courtney said...

Fat cosign on that inferno madness....smh...it's a bust

..Sue...Zette... said...

Hasn't Rachel been sent home every time she's been on one of these shows...I can't stand her

Toya said...

congrats ont eh new job again! i havent watched the inferno at all this season...i really cant stand veronica....ever since the road rules semester at sea....i have no clue that being nice is a crime...i mean you can be nice, but you can be very stern too, you know, not taking any mess off no one...but maybe they're viewing your niceness as a weakness and that might not even be true...

Jdid said...

yea nice bosses finish last, you got to be tough

Drea Inspired said...

Glad the job is going great Jazz! Nothing wrong with being nice...sometimes, haha! I think I slept through most of the good television this week. Dang this ATL life!

Fresh said...
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Fresh said...

I'll be so happy when Britney finally has a backlash.

But anyways, Miss! I couldn't help but notice that you said you were from both Albany and Atlanta. Although I'm not from either, I was in Albany for school! I used to work at that dreaded Call Tech call center. I think it's interesting to see that the net isn't so big after all...

Chops said...

I'm loving favorites #2!! You know I lost my mind this weekend!

I think it's okay to be the nice boss as long as you dont take no Sh**! If everyone is cool and doing what needs to be done, reward them with a warm smile. If they're messin up, let your inner bitch out and do what you got to do!


Diva said...

Just checkin' on ya. I know you're mad busy, but I gotta know how the ATL Diva is doing! :-) Hope all is well boo. Love ya! Oh, by the way, I'll be there July 14-17. (hee hee)

Anonymous said...

Think that could give you some Search Engine popularity, and traffic???