Tuesday, November 30, 2004

2 More Days to Go

Have you ever tried to leave a job and wait out your notice? It's so hard. There is the akwardness of hearing about your replacement, lurking around the building steering clear of you and everyone else is like, "Hate to see you go?" and "You will surely be missed!" IT'S LIKE GOING TO YOUR OWN FREAKING WAKE! Lord, Help Me.


Jazz said...
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Jazz said...

Thanks Will,....You are always SO SUPORTIVE.

Farmer,...I keep my game face on. I know where I am and I have learned, through others, the importance of NOT burning bridges. BLOGGERS VENT! Blogging is for VENTING so that's what I do.

Jdid said...

just think positive. think only two more days till my new job

Casey said...

You know I got your back Jazz!!! Let me know how your last day is going!!

Jazz said...

oops,....I meant supportive. (typing too fast with the lights off)