Friday, April 08, 2005


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I feel like ish today but it was worth it. I got plastered last night with friends. The only oz. of chocolate in the whole bar/club....and I still ROCKED IT! I am paying for it today. I guess that's why you should only party on the weekends....hunh?



Diva said...

Ha! Haaaaaaa! Girl you are a mess! I'm diggin' the big ass ring though. Coooool. Hey, what were you drinking there,hun?

Diva said...

Duh, never mind...I see the title of the post
Let me put this martini...I mean, breakfast down and maybe I can read or see or heck WHATEVER! LOL Bye sweetie!

Jazz said...

double shots of crown and coke.....

uhh, diet coke that is.

i'm on a diet. (teehee)

Drea Inspired said...


Candy is dandy, but liquor's quicker! haha...

I've definitely been in that only oz. of chocolate in the bar situation. Still had fun. Glad you had a good time!

Dayrell said...

Yea, I can see the inside of your mouth so I know FOR SURE you were gone. lol. Looks like you guys had fun. I like the pics. :)

Nandi Yaa said...

Girl, some of my best parties have been where chocolate was in the minority. I don't care what anybody says: White folks know how to par-tay! LMAO

Umm . . . I see we still haven't fixed the comment log-in. hehehe


Chops said...

LOL!!! That is too funny! You look like you had a ball! I've been in the same situation (only oz of chocolate) in Hawaii. I was seen as "exotic" and had so much fun!! :-)

I love it when folks post pictures! Gorgeous!!!


muffins gone WILD! said...

maaan! yall looked FADED!!!! glad to see you had a great time!

Sid said...

lol but ya look good, and that's what matters!

Claudine said...

Do NOT try to cure a hangover by drinking what you did last night. Doesn't work...but I'm still gonna try it tomorrow after we the b-friend & I go out tonight. ;)

ChosenWordz said...

You waz chilln.

ChosenWordz said...
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C.R.C. said...

Looks like yall were kiiiiiickin it!!! Got plastered huh? That's cool, you represented as the only cho-co-la-ta-te person in the bar. I like the bling too by the way :)

*doing the running man*
Go Jazz! It's ya birfday!

princessdominique said...

You looked like you were having fun! Cheers! Love that bling!

Mary said...

You look so cute! Glad you had fun. I'm on a diet, too, so I go the diet coke route. Although I think it makes you drunker, did you think so. *Looking at the pics again* Yeah, I'd think you'd agree. ;)

..Sue...Zette... said... and coke can also make the world seem like a much better'm lovin the ring also

Liza Valentino said...

Looks like I'm not the only one who had too much recently.

greggy said...

I agree with Honey...if you was plastered, then you sure carried it good! You certainly weren't feeling any pain! Par-Tay! Great that you had a good time!

G. Cornelius said...

Ain't nothing change...Still crazy...I'm back...Give me a holla...I'll keep you posted

Toya said...

hey thanks for stopping by my blog, stop by, yea, reprsent us different shades of brown folks in there! :-)

1280almas said...

Such a blast, eh! Do they have any Kahlua?