Southpinellas: Textbook case of discipline viewed with praise, criticism
When I saw this story on the news.....I WAS PISSED!!! This child needed her ass BEAT DOWN!!! Her mom needed her ass BEAT DOWN!!! Why is it that people don't discipline their kids? Then, they send them to school and expect teachers to deal with them....WITHOUT DISCIPLINE. They disrupt the class, affecting the learning of the other students, they are disrespectful and NOONE.....NOT EVEN THE PARENTS can control them. Who ever thought up time-out needs a BEAT DOWN! It's BULLSh*T! RAISE YOUR KIDS RIGHT!!!! Raise them to respect their elders and authority.
When I saw this story on the news.....I WAS PISSED!!! This child needed her ass BEAT DOWN!!! Her mom needed her ass BEAT DOWN!!! Why is it that people don't discipline their kids? Then, they send them to school and expect teachers to deal with them....WITHOUT DISCIPLINE. They disrupt the class, affecting the learning of the other students, they are disrespectful and NOONE.....NOT EVEN THE PARENTS can control them. Who ever thought up time-out needs a BEAT DOWN! It's BULLSh*T! RAISE YOUR KIDS RIGHT!!!! Raise them to respect their elders and authority.
Black or White.....CHILDREN SHOULD RESPECT ADULTS! It bothers me because some people are claiming racism. Some people feel that a white child wouldn't have been handcuffed. Maybe so, maybe not.....what I do know is that if this little girl hadn't been showing her butt....NOONE would have cuffed her. To think the mother is thinking of suing, is crazy. I would be embarrased if that were my child. I would have beat her ass for showing her butt like that in class.....on camera no less. My mom used to tell me that if she ever got a call at work, and had to leave her job regarding ANY FOOLISHNESS (tantrums, talking back, fighting, any bad behavior...etc), she said ***her words verbatum**** "YA'LL BETTER GIVE YOUR HEARTS TO GOD BECAUSE YOUR ASSES WILL BE MINE! I WILL WHIP YOUR ASS....IN FRONT OF YOUR CLASS!" I knew she meant it and I NEVER challenged her.
I have this friend whose kids NEVER get whipped. They have been kicked out of 3 school systems....and counting. The principal called her and told her that they were sending her son home for the day for taunting the teacher with the P*ssy word. She (my friend) didn't think it was a big deal and thought the Principal was over-reacting and hung up in the principals' face. I told her that that was bullsh*t. He (her son) should be disciplined and apologize to the class and the teacher. She said that they aren't allowed to spank her child....they are to call her because she doesn't believe in spanking. Now if she isn't going to do anything about it, what the hell are they (school officials) supposed to do? THAT's RIGHT!....SEND HIS ASS HOME!!! What makes you think anyone wants to put up with your bad ass child? I told her, "I have no kids, I wouldn't tolerate it!!" She gave me that look like,..."you don't know what you are talking about because you have no kids." I shot the look back at her like,...."YEP, and those DEMON MUTHA F*CKERS WILL PUT YOUR ASS 6 ft UNDER! and I WILL STILL BE HERE.....SAYING, I TOLD YOU TO BEAT DAT ASS!" I rolled my eyes and we dropped the subject.
Don't get me wrong. I don't mean to literally BEAT someone down but you know what the GOOD BOOK SAYS.....spare the rod, spoil the child.
If this is any indication as to what the world is going to be like (schools without religion and discipline = unruley kids that turn into psycho adults) then we are ALL in trouble.
I have this friend whose kids NEVER get whipped. They have been kicked out of 3 school systems....and counting. The principal called her and told her that they were sending her son home for the day for taunting the teacher with the P*ssy word. She (my friend) didn't think it was a big deal and thought the Principal was over-reacting and hung up in the principals' face. I told her that that was bullsh*t. He (her son) should be disciplined and apologize to the class and the teacher. She said that they aren't allowed to spank her child....they are to call her because she doesn't believe in spanking. Now if she isn't going to do anything about it, what the hell are they (school officials) supposed to do? THAT's RIGHT!....SEND HIS ASS HOME!!! What makes you think anyone wants to put up with your bad ass child? I told her, "I have no kids, I wouldn't tolerate it!!" She gave me that look like,..."you don't know what you are talking about because you have no kids." I shot the look back at her like,...."YEP, and those DEMON MUTHA F*CKERS WILL PUT YOUR ASS 6 ft UNDER! and I WILL STILL BE HERE.....SAYING, I TOLD YOU TO BEAT DAT ASS!" I rolled my eyes and we dropped the subject.
Don't get me wrong. I don't mean to literally BEAT someone down but you know what the GOOD BOOK SAYS.....spare the rod, spoil the child.
If this is any indication as to what the world is going to be like (schools without religion and discipline = unruley kids that turn into psycho adults) then we are ALL in trouble.
I think they mishandled the situation and the videotape was heartbreaking when they handcuffed her. I have seen kids who were much more out of control than that little girl. They needed to handle it differently in order to get her to stop. They language and tactics were obviously ineffective. IMO, she needs to be evaluated for "other issues." She should not be in a general ed classroom as there is obviously more going on. The mother should have actually been brought up on charges for not coming to get the child when the school called and informed her that she was endangering herself and others. That is considered parental neglect. I bet she would have done something then. As the AP kept saying..."how sad."
The law needs to allow parents to administer spankings and other appropriate discipline again as they see fit in a manner that doesn't abuse the child. If this same school found out that the mother had been spanking the little girl, the school officials would have reported the mother to the police and they would have been handcuffing her. Therefore, we can't just lay all the blame on the mother. By the way, where's the child's father? Also, the videotape of the incident should have not been made available to the public and tv stations. This video will follow this child for a long time, even if she gets her act together in the future.
Yes, the child should have been discplined, but the handcuffing went too far. The level of punishment dealt was too severe. If the child had been older, perhaps in junior high or high school, handcuffing wouldn't have been so wong. So now there's a question whether the 5 year old child will be traumatized behind this incident. Instead of having 3 grown police officers with guns and twice the size of the child to handcuff a 5 year old, the school administrator should have called the child's mother to have her picked up immediately. If a police officer's gun had gone off and shot the child while she was wiggling around, then what? Until the child was picked up by the mother, a counselor trained to deal with difficult children should have been called to calm the child down. The school's administrators who are supposed to be trained should have known this. This incident says something about their training or the lack there of. The child needs to be evaluated for emotional, mental, and discipline problems. And a plan of action of correction needed to be drawn up to prepare the child to be brought back to that school or to be transferred to another school.
amen jazz. i think in a generation parents have lost control over their kids. I'm not sure why. I think time out is a bunch of crock and i think that kids need to realize who the parents and authority figures are but parents nowadays are more interested in being friends as opposed to parents. oh well, that probably why the kids are all wilding out.
Dee, I read your comments and understand where you are coming from, because our parents beat us back in the day, and we turned out alright. A switch from a tree on that little girl's legs would have solved everything, but the law says otherwise. They can lock you up for doing the parental job that we all know is necessary.
It sounds right to say that parents are supposed to be totally in charge of their kids. But it doesn't work like that way anymore. A friend of mine who beat her daughter for staying out all night and worrying the family had to go to court behind that incident. My friend was fortunate that her case was heard by a sympathetic judge. But they still made her promise not to touch her child anymore. Aint that a blip?
In short, the law needs to changed so that moms and dads won't be sitting up in the big house for disciplining their kids.
I was having this conversation with one of my friends today. He and I both agree that kids should get spankings, whippings, or whatever you like to call it. I know that if I had done some of the things that some kids do these days, my mom would have knocked me slap out!!! And I am not scarred for life cuz I know that if I'd gotten away with crap, I would not be where I am today.
Kids need discipline, point blank. Preferably, their behinds beat!
I saw that video and could NOT believe my eyes!! What kind of freakin' world are we living in where you have to call the cops to subdue a freakin' kindergartener??! My mom raised 6 kids. None of us got spanked! She never got phone calls, we were never in detention, and never were kicked out for discipline problems. We were all freakin' well-behaved, honor roll students. My kids have NEVER been Dee says you have to PARENT! I understand that there are kids out there who's behavior is just freakin' out of control. Why? Could be because of any number of reasons. But if you raise your kids to turn out right, you may never need to resort to that method. Lawd I'm fired up! I can't imagine hitting my children for any reason.
Few children receive sufficient time and attention from their parents, who are often too tired and distracted to treat their children with patience and understanding. Punishing a child for responding in a natural way to having had important needs neglected, is really unfair. Start disciplining, teaching, and raising children from day 1 and we won't have to risk giving them subdural hematomas from beat downs.
I agree with you Jazz. NOBODY wants to be around people's bad ass kids!
I think it's ridiculous that the law wants to make it so you can't spank your child. I understand a law against beating your child, but spanking? I think not. "Spare the rod. Spoil the child." I wish I would succumb to that "time out" fooey. In the words of Maya, "Oh, hellll no!"
I think some of these parents out here need to really make sure their kid understands that they are the PARENT and they have the AUTHORITY. Not the other way around. Stop getting punked by your kids.
*shaking head* all i can say all starts with home.
I'm not sure about the handcuffs, I mean did the child have some super human strength? I think they could have subdued her without them. I also wanted to comment on your post in Dee's blog. I can totally relate to everything you said *scary* -- are you sure we aren't sisters? I remember it just like that! 3 jobs and everything.
"i'm gonna call your mom at work!"
*shaking head*
Kids laugh at that these days...I'll keep you posted
All yeah...Jazz I answered your question...I'll keep you posted
man my computer so slow so i didnt get to see the video clip...i cant STAND bas a** kids!!! send them home to their mama! they need to be whooped, that lil girl and her mama!
Excuse me.... I heard on the tape the mother had been called 45 minutes before? How far does this woman work from where her badass kid attends school? Yeah, it was extreme to handcuff Miss Bad Ass but you also hear on the tape, "I'm the one who told your mom I'd handcuff you" or something to that extent. I don't feel one bit sorry for that child, because she only sat her bad ass down once she saw the cops. She knew her she was in trouble because they dealt with her before. There is no way these teachers need to deal with that, ever. If she had to learn her lesson that way, than so be it. I'd be nothing short of ashamed to see my child acting like that. Period.
The mother's attorney made the video available, not the school. Once again, the mother needs to take a long hard look at herself.
I fought against posting a blog on this on my site for days until I caved in and did it last night around 1 in the morning. Jazz, I hear where you're coming from. In length, I went into how the world is so different from the way that we grew up. We could be reprimanded without recourse. We could have other adults, smack our tails when we acted out and it was fine with our parents. My teachers could light me up if they felt they had to and there were times I definitely deserved a good spanking.
But the world in the new millennium has changed. The school, the assistant principal and anyone affiliated with the school was not going to win this one regardless of what they did. You know the moment an authoritive figure acted upon slowing this little girl's tirade, a lawsuit was waiting to happen. I don't question the cops being called, but I do question the methods they incorporated on the little honey.
Nobody wins in this situation, but there are plenty of losers. I feel where you're coming from though luv. A good spanking did me some good and I was as bad as they came.
What is unfortunate is the law wants to restrict how parents discipline children and parents are silly enough to listen.
If parents don't raise their own child, some penal system will or they'll be dead. The police will cuff them, beat them down, shoot them and the court will jail what's left.
I agree with you Jazz. I discipline my kids on the reg. Its about installing respect. Once any child learns how to respect there parent, respecing other adults will come easy. My guess is that child didn't respect her mother.
Watching that tape was disturbing. The "arrest" did seem tramatic for the child; but so was the child's behavior for the teacher. The child clearly has some bahavioral problems. If the mother doesn't take hold now, she can expect many, many, many more real arrests in the future.
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