Sunday, October 10, 2004

Insert, NEW CAR. I think I kinda got taken but it sure feels good to hit the road in a more reliable vehicle. Some people say,"Girl, You bought that ugly Car?" Others say, "It's You!" (what the HELL does that mean anyway?) but most people think that it's odd and funky and that's why I LOVE IT! (still not as much as the DIVA MOBILE) So,'s the thing. Before the DIVA MOBILE, there was an 86 Ford T-Bird that had lost it's thunder so we named it, "THE THUNDER BUZZARD!" since it clearly wasn't a beautiful bird anymore. What should this one be called? (be nice) Posted by Hello


Apocalypse said...


Casey said...

If you can remember we spoke of this vechicle before. It stands out, I know you look great in it. Congratulations... Is this the same color as yours??

G. Cornelius said...

I'm digging it...Nice ride...I'll keep you posted

The Brutha Code said...

I like it too.... gotta be different.

chrome said...

Don't know what to call it. hmmm maybe "Desire" lol. "Rock Starr" even. I feel a burning desire to sit on chrome and drive off into the sunset.