Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So, I'm sick of fussing. Not saying that I won't but I want to embrace positivity. I'm getting too old for that other ish. I was watching Kell On Earth the other day and She said something that stuck with me. I've been practicing it ever since. She said...I ONLY HARBOR PRODUCTIVE THOUGHTS!! I love it. It takes way too much energy to be negative or Bitch. I don't want to anymore. I just want to live, laugh and love....speaking of which http://www.sexandthecitymovie.com/ You know....I wonder what happens after you say I DO as well. From the outside looking in...it all goes downhill. Can't Wait!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I CANNOT BELIEVE THE AMOUNT OF DUMB ASS PEOPLE WHO OBJECT TO HEALTHCARE REFORM! It baffles me. Most of these "So-Called Christians" are TOTALLY NOT acting like it....and quick to cast judgement on the Islamic Extremist. BANANAS!!! There are people out there that need help. People that are not on welfare. People that work everyday. It's crazy. Everyone should want this. We're talking...a nation of healthy people. You'd think people would be more upset about the war in Afganistan...but nope....Healthcare. It's fine to disagree. The way people are behaving is an embarrassment. SMH. sigh.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


These days...EVERYTHING IS ON MY MIND....EVERYTHING IS ON MY HEART. You know...I understand more and more the term...IGNORANCE IS BLISS!! Normally...I apply it to Buffonery. People who are Deaf, Dumb & Blind...Intellectually, Politically, Socially and Musically. Lately...I beginning to find the beauty in the term. Bills, Stress, Drama, Worrying, Aggravation, UGH!!!! If Ignorance was BLISS for me... I wouldn't be affected by a thing! Just as HAPPY as can be! Peace of mind! Not a care in the world. Today...I just want to sleep and NOT be affected.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Okay...I know...I suck. I've been MIA! Really...I've been trying to get it all together. I'm working part-time STILL!! I'm oddly optimistic though. I don't know...I owe everyone, make less and still...optimistic. Normally...I'd be miserable, but...I really do believe that GOD will deliver me. So, I press on. I'm getting ready for my big art show in 2WEEKS!!! i'm to the wire. You gotta check out my art blog for all the art juice!
So, for the last day of Black History Month....
I wanted to post this most powerful picture and quote. It's the mode I'm in right now so here goes
"I am America! I am the part you won't recognize. BLACK, CONFIDENT, COCKY! My name...Not Yours! My religion...Not Yours! My goals...MY OWN! GET USED TO ME!" ~Muhammed Ali
I love love love this quote! My head lifts a little higher. A friend of mind posted pics and quotes on his Facebook Page. He's a pretty political and funny dude. Check his Black History Month Tribute here!