Monday, June 25, 2007


WOW! Look at me, blowing out my candles on my Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs cake. I was 6yrs old. Funny how time flies. I never thought I'd see 38. Not in a "live by the sword, die by it" way...but in a "can't imagine life past my 20's" kinda way. I just thought that maybe the world would end or something. I'm digging the opportunity to grow old. I'd love to live well into my eighties. Well...if there is a world left when these Republicans are done with us. (smile)

Anyway....Things have to change. I really can't imagine being 40 and doing radio. I just don't want to be an old ass dj. Can you feel me? I've been working like crazy on my art. Marketing and working on your dreams, while holding down a full-time job is a BITCH! know what they say....anything worth having, hunh?

Well, I've started and stopped, started and stopped and started again and I REFUSE TO GIVE UP! My Birthday present to to keep pushing! Somethings got to give.............


Shai said...

Happy Birthday to you. I have a blog buddy whose bday is too day and he is the same age as you.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Born Day!

princessdominique said...

Happy Belated Jazz!

Heather said...

Happy birthday!

We almost moved to Albany a few years back. Hubby interviewed for the youth ministry position at First Mehtodist there.

James McGovern said...

FYI. The new and final 2KBloggers list has been published. You should include as part of your next blog entry...